Leave a CommentFurther to the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions on 09 August 2021, we have amended our training arrangements to reflect the changes.
Please familiarise yourself with the following items before attending any of our training courses:
1.If you exhibit any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19 (new continuous cough, fever, loss of taste/smell), please do not attend your booked course.
2. Should you be unable to attend your course due to the development of symptoms associated with COVID-19, even if notifying at short notice, full refunds will be available. Alternatively, we will transfer your booking to another course of your choosing.
3. If you do not have any symptoms and feel otherwise healthy, we would ask you to continue to practice the hygiene recommendations published by the NHS. This includes avoiding handshakes and regular hand-washing.
4. We have now removed the limit on attendees at our in-house courses in Glasgow and have returned to normal capacity. Please note that this may mean that you will be seated beside another delegate for the duration of your course. If you are uncomfortable with this arrangement, please notify our office where adapted plans can be made.
5. In order to reduce congestion, we will be maintaining a ‘one-in-one-out’ policy in the communal kitchen area.
6. Lunch will still be provided at our in-house courses – however, it will no longer be provided in the form of a buffet. Lunch order forms will be issued before your course.
7. Masks, hand sanitiser and tissues will be provided at your course but please feel free to bring your own.
8. Masks should be worn when entering, exiting and moving through the building. They can be removed when seated for your course.
9. All tables, surfaces, door handles, etc. will be disinfected before, during and after your course.
We will continue to monitor the situation and take heed of Government advice – any updates will be made as soon as possible.